T1D Fun With Bollywood

In March 2019, our gang took a trip to Hyderabad and Tadoba Tiger Reserve from Pune. It was a long train journey back home, and how do we Indians kill time in such a journey? We play antakshari! And that’s when Sagar and Chinmay shared their brilliant idea of creating a playlist that an Indian living with T1D can relate to!

Who said living with T1D cannot be fun? Here is our list of top 10 Bollywood songs dedicated to Indians living with T1D:

1.When the reality of living with T1D kicks in, and you have millions of questions with no answers:

Main aisa kyun hoon ft Sagar Shah

It is okay to not be like everyone around you. You are meant to stand out. Never forget that.

2. Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery:

Har ghadi badal rahi hai ft Chhavi Chadha

We beg to differ though; recovery (reversal, to be very precise) from T1D is not yet possible! We embrace our T1D, and we thrive with it. Also, watch Chinmay talking during our campaign #HowT1MadeMeBetter.

3. But initially, everything around you just irritates you for no apparent reason:

Ata majhi satakli ft Madhura Damle

Living with T1D is an unpaid full time job with no holidays. Oh dear God, why are you doing this to me? Where’s the cure?

4. And suddenly you realize that you might be high:

High ruk high ruk ft Madhura Damle

Gotcha! It was the high BG talking. Yeah, hyperglycemia can make you angry over trivial reasons. Stay calm; it’s absolutely doable!

5. Okay then let’s stop being high:

It's the time to Lispro ft Madhura Damle

Yep, we are on drugs to not go high; let them work. Hey Lispro, can you be more rapid? Meanwhile, let’s dance. It totally helps (so does Fiasp!)

6. Oops, you over-corrected!:

Hypo hypo hua hua ft Madhura Damle

Trapped in a vicious cycle of highs and lows, eh? Don’t lose control though; see what Madhura has to say how she treats her hypoglycemia during our #HypoHacks campaign.

7. People, where’s the sugar?:

Cheeni kum hai ft Sagar Shah

Would you shut the fridge door? You don’t want to go high again. Theoretically, a low BG should be corrected with a calculated amount of glucose only. Have you read our hypo management blog and watched Sagar’s #HypoHacks campaign video yet?

8. Three months later, you hit your target Hba1c, woohoo!:

Lakshya toh har haal mein paana hai ft Chinmay Tambole

In the end, not eating junk food and exercising pays off! (Psst: low carb)

9. Your life has taken a 180-degree turn , and you have started making sense of your T1D:

Badla nazara yun yun ft Madhura Damle

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. After all, it’s all about perspective! Our unicorn lover Chhavi has said it all in her #HowT1MadeMeBetter campaign video.

10. Finally, all is well!:

All izz well ft Type One Run Pune

Together we are stronger!

#T1DFUN WITH BOLLYWOOD   special thanks to  TYPE ONE RUN PUNE  featuring  CHHAVI CHADHA, MADHURA DAMLE, CHINMAY TAMBOLE and SAGAR SHAH  original concept by  CHINMAY TAMBOLE and SAGAR SHAH  screenplay by  MADHURA DAMLE  videos edited by  CHINMAY TAMBOLE  produced by  NUPUR LALVANI 


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