Nifty November

Are you reading this newsletter all cozy and bundled up? Is it cold where you live? How does the cold impact your health - your glucose levels, skin, hair, weight, food patterns and mental health? Join our upcoming workshop on Winter and Diabetes by RSVP-ing here. Join our #BlueCircleWorkshops led by people living with diabetes, every Sunday 5PM India time - free and open to all!

Join our #BlueCircleWorkshops every Sunday at 5PM India time :)

#BlueCircleDiabetesCalendar 2023

Announcing the 4th edition of the Blue Circle Diabetes Calendar 2023 - India's first calendar featuring 12 people living with various types of diabetes. Stay tuned, we have been unveiling everyone featured on the calendar across our social platforms.

Order calendars and merch & support the NGO:

Stay tuned for upcoming physical events in your cities! Don't miss the chance to meet other friends & families with diabetes! Any questions? Ask away on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India.

RSVP here for our upcoming Bengaluru evening walk.

Join us for an evening walk on Saturday 17th December in Bengaluru!

RSVP here for our upcoming Pune coffee catch-up.

Join us for coffee on Saturday 17th December in Pune!

RSVP here for our upcoming Mumbai coffee catch-up.

Join us for coffee on Saturday 17th December in Mumbai!

RSVP here for our upcoming Delhi lunch catch-up.

Join us for lunch on Sunday 18th December in Delhi!

RSVP here for our upcoming Lucknow chai pe charcha.

Join us for chai and charcha on Sunday 18th December in Lucknow!

RSVP here for our upcoming Kanpur chai pe charcha.

Join us for chai and charcha on Sunday 25th December in Kanpur!

We share all important information and updates on our social media handles, so ensure you join our Facebook community , follow us on Instagram , Twitter , YouTube and Facebook. Here's a quick low down on all that happened in November 2022 (which incidentally happens to be the diabetes awareness month too) at Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation.

We had 6 physical events in November 2022 - in Delhi, Bengaluru, Pune, Jaipur, Mumbai and Kanpur!

Glimpses from our offline meets

Our coffee catch-up Bengaluru in November 2022. RSVP here and join our December evening walk.

We had a most enjoyable low carb potluck Picnic in Pune in November 2022. RSVP here and join our December coffee catch-up.

Our Jaipur friends clearly had a good time at the coffee catch-up in November. The December coffee catch-up is already done but stay tuned to our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India for updates.

Cold weather, warm coffee, good friends in Jaipur

Photos from the fun coffee catch-up in Mumbai in November 2022. Everyone's welcome to the next one but please RSVP here.

Coffee Catch-up Mumbai November 2022

Our Delhi friends showed up in full support for coffee and conversations, as always. RSVP here for our big, lazy lunch in December!

Our Kanpur friends had a lot of chai over charcha or was charcha over chai? To find out, RSVP here for the next one! Inclusive communities are the best kind!

Blue Circle Workshops (online)

Blue Circle Workshops are online weekend workshops, led by people living with various types of diabetes. These workshops are free and open for all, even non diabetics! We started these workshops in 2020 and have conducted over 150 workshops yet! Join in, have fun and learn new things. Sign up as a member and follow our social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube to know of upcoming workshops.‌ Be a part of our awesome Facebook community too!

Does nutrition matter more than you think: Workshop

Nupur was in conversation about nutrition in type 1 diabetes with Dr Andrew Koutnik, who is a PhD & research scientist studying the influence of nutrition & metabolism on health and also lives with type 1 diabetes.

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here) -

Past, present & future of diabetes in India: Workshop

On the eve of World Diabetes Day, we had an interesting panel discussion with our Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation community members living with various types of diabetes across various decades.

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here) -

Diabetes, women & mental health: Workshop

Tune into this panel discussion to hear about the mental health impact of women living with different types of diabetes from our community, as part of Project Gaia, where we talk about women & diabetes

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here) -

Thyroid & diabetes: Workshop

Snehal (T1) & Prashant (T2) were in conversation with endocrinologist Dr Girish Parmar about managing different types of thyroid & diabetes.

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here) -

Meethi Baatein

20th Facebook Live of our series called Meethi Baatein to celebrate top contributors of our community on Facebook. Snehal was in conversation with Prashant, who lives with secondary type 2 diabetes, see the video here.

Meethi Baatein on Diabetes Support Network India (Facebook Live)!

In the News

The Hindu Business Line writes about the challenges of people with all types of diabetes at the workplace & chatted with Arvind and Nupur. What issues have you faced? Read the article here.

Chitra from the The Hindu Business Line spoke with Nupur from Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation about managing diabetes at work. This podcast is available on all major platforms. If you've had any challenges at work with respect to diabetes, tell us on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India (you can also post anonymously)! Listen to the podcast here.

Listen to the podcast (screenshot of the news article that contains the podcast linked above)

Read how Snehal dances away her diabetes blues in this article by the Happiest Health here.

Screenshot from the article

Blue Balloon Challenge

Living with diabetes is a constant balancing act. It’s like keeping a balloon in the air. It's a never-ending challenge, and we live through it every single day.

We are excited to bring to you the #BlueBalloonChallenge in India. Join the challenge, just like Nupur. Post a video of yourself on Instagram doing an activity while keeping a blue balloon in the air, use the hashtag #BlueBalloonChallenge and tag @bluecirclediabetesfoundation and @medtronicindia. Everyone is welcome to take up the challenge - whether you live with any type of diabetes or not. For each post, Medtronic will donate $5 to Life for A Child to help provide insulin for children living with diabetes. Are you ready to take the challenge?

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A post shared by Blue Circle Diabetes (@bluecirclediabetesfoundation)

Corporate Diabetes Awareness Programmes

We were invited to conduct a Diabetes Awareness Programme at a software company in Bengaluru, India. It was great to talk to the team and we appreciate the organisers for sensitising their employees. If you would like organise such a session in your organization, let us know on

Fun session and smiles:)

We were invited to conduct another virtual Diabetes Awareness Programme for a company based in Indonesia. Geographical barriers surely don't come in the way of creating awareness about various types of diabetes!

India meets Indonesia :)

Elder Home Diabetes Awareness- Delhi

Our Delhi friends visited the Kamla Bakshi Elder Home Society and conducted a diabetes awareness & screening programme on the occasion of World Diabetes Day. We also spent time chatting and exchanging stories with our elderly friends.

According to the 2021 Longitudinal Ageing Study in India report, about 5.7% of the country’s senior citizens (age 60 and above)—or around six million people, as per the 2011 Census—live on their own without the support of family or friends. While some of them take the support of caregivers, the issue of loneliness or lack of company has been the primary reason for deteriorating mental and physical health.

Achievements - Unleash Innovation Lab

Our very own Sanskruti has been selected by Unleash India as a global talent. She will represent all of us at a 10 day conference in December & will be working on the SDG 3 with focus on solutions for improving access to care, awareness & prevention of NCDs such as diabetes, particularly for poor and vulnerable populations.

Unleash India

Best of ISPAD conference

Nupur was a speaker at the Best of ISPAD conference & presented the work we do at Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation through our Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app, marrying community and technology for people living with all types of diabetes.

Download now on Android as well as iOS and read all about the Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app, made by and for people living with diabetes in this article.

Best of ISPAD conference

Letter for Schools

Whether newly diagnosed or not, it's an anxious time for parents of kids with type 1 diabetes. Please feel free to click this post on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network India which will take you to a downloadable and editable letter for schools. Edit it with your child's specific details and share a signed copies with the child's school principal, teachers, etc.

You are welcome to email us on if you face any issues or you would like us to organise a diabetes awareness programme at your school or organisations.

Buddy Project Helpline

The Buddy Project Helpline started during Covid19 and continues to be a diabetes & mental health support system & helpline, free of cost and open to anyone with any type of diabetes & their caregivers.

Read more about the helpline & to use the helpline, download the Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app on Android or iOS. Also read about the Blue Circle Diabetes app and all its features here.

Trained volunteer buddies with lived experience of different types of diabetes

The Buddy Project Helpline is our mobile app based psychosocial helpline for diabetes and mental health. Trained volunteers living with diabetes (type 1, type 2 & caregivers), speaking 7 different languages are here to listen to you without judgements. If you feel lost, depressed, anxious, panicky, suicidal or generally upset, please schedule a call with us. These are tough times but remember you are NOT alone, your community stands with you.

How to call the Buddy Project helpline

Image: screenshot of how to navigate the Buddy Project helpline on the app

Open the Blue Circle Diabetes app > Buddy Project > Schedule tab > pick a buddy of your choice > Schedule a call (once you schedule you'll see it under the 'Meetings' tab > 10 minutes prior to the call, you'll receive an app notification/reminder > To join the call, open the app, go to Buddy Project & under the 'Meetings' tab, press the 'Join' button (video is off by default, can switch on as per preference)

Looking for a partner? Marriage & Diabetes

We understand that a lot of people with diabetes face tremendous difficulties in finding the right partner and getting married. We have received a lot of requests over the years to facilitate a platform to this end. Here's our small effort in that direction. If you'd like to find a partner, or are a parent who would like to introduce their child looking to get married, please introduce yourself on our private Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India.

Marriage and Diabetes

Diabetes Humour

Life with any type of diabetes is not easy. Here's a little diabetes humour to brighten up your day. Click the posts below & like, share & comment!

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A post shared by Blue Circle Diabetes (@bluecirclediabetesfoundation)

Blue Circle Store- Relaunched!

Check out the adorable diabetes merchandise from the Blue Circle Store and order them now!

Cool new merch- check it out!

Order the cool advocacy cap!

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A post shared by Blue Circle Diabetes (@bluecirclediabetesfoundation)

Check out this sturdy, minimalist tote bag that can carry veggies from the farmer's market, books, wallet & your diabetes supplies! Order now!

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A post shared by Blue Circle Diabetes (@bluecirclediabetesfoundation)


Read our blog here. We write about everything from recipes to people's stories, technology and everything diabetes!‌

Read the Blue Circle Blogs!


India's first app, made by diabetics & for diabetics. If you have found the app helpful & would like to help, consider making a small donation of Rs 99 per month:

Download the Blue Circle Diabetes app on Android and iOS. Click here to read about the app & its features.

Help us build the app better for you!

Thank you to our wonderful community for helping us making the app better for you! We look forward to your generosity to help us rewrite the app ground up! Use the 'New Feature Idea' button on the app to tell us what features may make the app better.

Donate and save tax

Did you know you can save tax when you donate? NGO Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation is registered under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. See our website & social media for our work & various projects in diabetes awareness and advocacy across India. Your support helps us support the diabetes community & help those who cannot help themselves.

Donate & avail tax relief as an individual or organization:

Email for queries


To participate in our social media campaigns, share your photo (with some supporting text) on the topic with us. Upload through the Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app and we'll feature you!

To participate in our #CommunityCares campaign, like Shaurya who is playing the dhol, submit your photo/video through the Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app & we'll share it!

Connect with us and participate!
Join our award winning Facebook community, like and follow our page, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter too! If you would like to share and contribute content upload it to the Blue Circle Diabetes app and don't forget to check out our website and Buddy Project helpline too!


We need your help and support to continue to grow, expand and touch the lives of countless people in the diabetes community. Every little bit helps us in sustaining this endeavour. Our NGO is registered under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, India.

Click here to donate