Memorable March

Join our #BlueCircleWorkshops led by and for people living with diabetes, Sunday, 5PM IST - free and open to all! This weekend Sanskruti and Bhavesh, both living with type 1 diabetes will talk about tackling the summer heat and blood sugars (in Hindi). Tune in on Facebook Live, click here to RSVP!

Tune in on Sunday at 5PM!

You asked, we listened. Have you heard of our in-person #BlueCircleWorkshops - totally free as always! We’ve had a great run with hundreds of online workshops since the Covid-19 pandemic, and now we’ve added an offline touch.‌
‌Imagine a space for learning, sharing, and asking questions without judgement. We’re thrilled to bring you this new experience. See our Mumbai, Pune & Bangalore workshops that took place earlier this year and we CAN’T WAIT to see you in Delhi soon (register here for the workshop and free low carb goodies) ✌️‌

All new, in-person diabetes workshop, now in Delhi NCR

Apply to be an app beta tester!

We have been working behind the scenes, making a big revamp to our Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app, which is an app made ‘by’ and ‘for’ people with all types of diabetes. Come join the cool club of diverse Blue Circle Beta Testers. Read more about the Blue Circle Diabetes app:

See if you fit the eligibility criteria and apply now!

Have questions? Email:‌

Want to be a beta tester? Apply now!

We have several upcoming events in the next few weeks, join us! Stay tuned for upcoming virtual and physical events in your cities & don't miss the chance to meet other friends & families with diabetes! Any questions? Ask away on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India and head to the 'Events' section on the group to RSVP for events you want to share or attend!‌

‌We share all important information and updates on our social media handles, so ensure you join our Facebook community , follow us on Instagram , Twitter , YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn. Here's a quick low down on all that happened in March 2024 at Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation.

We had 12 online and offline events in March 2024 - of which we had physical meets in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Indore and Jaipur- see the photos below!

Glimpses from our offline meets

Our Delhi friends had a friendly basketball match- team bolus vs team basal! Stay tuned for exciting meets every month!‌

Check out this fun video too-

Friends from our Pune #IDSRun2024 ‌'Run for Diabetes' event as part of the 8th International Diabetes Summit.

Also, don't miss the cool video including the Zumba warm-up-

Friends from our Mumbai coffee catch-up!‌

Mumbai smiles

Looks like some fun was had at our Ahmedabad coffee catch-up!‌

Ahmedabad coffee scenes!

International Diabetes Summit, Pune

An incredible moment for the Blue Circle community! A select group of those living with diabetes & caregivers, proudly represented the Blue Circle Contingent as advocates at the 8th International Diabetes Summit in Pune, hosted by the Chellaram Hospital. This medical conference underscored the vital principle that people living with diabetes should be actively involved in their care journey because nothing about us, without us.

JDRF Clinicians' Forum

Currently, in India most doctors treat those with type 1 diabetes through twice daily pre-mixed insulin injections (and little to no self-monitoring of blood glucose) which leads to poor control, early onset of serious complications, and loss of healthy life years. To that end, JDRF, RSSDI and patient advocates came together at a 2 day forum in Pune to consult all T1D stakeholders around what best practice care for T1D looks like in the private sector in India, even in low resource settings, to develop a clinical stewardship programme/pledge & strengthen ties with patient advocates on peer led support. Snehal and Nupur represented our community at this event.

Group photo from the event

#BlueCircleWorkshops (online)

Did you know that since the onset of COVID-19, every Sunday we've consistently hosted over 200 FREE, online diabetes workshops by and for people living with all types of diabetes as part of our commitment to accessible health education? Each workshop is led by experts who are passionate about making a meaningful difference. Check out our YouTube playlist to see some of these workshops.

Join in, have fun and learn new things. Sign up as a member and follow our social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn to know of upcoming workshops.‌ Be a part of our awesome Facebook community too!‌

RSVP & tune in on Facebook for the live workshops (if you miss a workshop, catch up later with recordings on YouTube or Facebook). Let's learn, grow, and navigate together.

In honour of Women's Month in March, we took our mission a step further by dedicating all 5 of our online workshops to a topic close to our hearts: women's health and diabetes, under the banner of our Project Gaia & you can see some of our previous workshops on women & diabetes on our YouTube playlist.

Impact of Diabetes on Women's Hormones: Workshop

Ashlesha, who lives with type 1 diabetes is in conversation with consultant gynaecologist Dr Pranita Darade about women’s hormones & diabetes as we celebrate women’s month, this March. This session is an initiative under Project Gaia, where we aim to create a safe space for women with all types of diabetes.

Want to dive into more women's health workshops? See our #BlueCircleWorkshops playlist on YouTube.

#BlueCircleWorkshops are free, online workshops on diabetes by and for people living with various types of diabetes. Join us every Sunday at 5PM India time!

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here)

Women Winning with Sport & Diabetes: Workshop

Veena, who lives with type 1 diabetes is in conversation with Monica from Italy who has been living with type 1 diabetes since 33 years & loves sport, yoga & travel. The women speak about women winning with sport and diabetes as we celebrate women’s month, this March. This session is an initiative under Project Gaia, where we aim to create a safe space for women with all types of diabetes.

Want to dive into all our workshops? See our #BlueCircleWorkshops playlist on YouTube.

#BlueCircleWorkshops are free, online workshops on diabetes by and for people living with various types of diabetes. Join us every Sunday at 5PM India time!

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here)

The Invisible Load of Diabetes Management for Women: FB chat thread

We hosted a special discussion on "The Invisible Load of Diabetes Management for Women" on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India for a day of sharing experiences, challenges, and insights navigating diabetes as a woman. This session is an initiative under Project Gaia, where we aim to create a safe space for women with all types of diabetes. Click here to read and participate in the discussion.

#BlueCircleWorkshops are free, online workshops on diabetes by and for people living with various types of diabetes. Join us every Sunday at 5PM India time!

Women as Diabetes Caregivers: Workshop (in Hindi)

T1 and moderator Snehal speaks with 3 lovely ladies about the roles and challenges faced by women as diabetes caregivers in this panel discussion (in Hindi, because we believe diabetes education should be accessible for everyone, in all languages!). This session is an initiative under Project Gaia, where we aim to create a safe space for women with all types of diabetes.

Want to dive into older Hindi workshops? See our #BlueCircleWorkshops playlist on YouTube.

#BlueCircleWorkshops are free, online workshops on diabetes by and for people living with various types of diabetes. Join us every Sunday at 5PM India time!

Click the post below to view the workshop video on Facebook (you can also view on YouTube here)

Meethi Baatein

Dive into the 35th episode of our series, Meethi Baatein, as we spotlight and celebrate the top contributors of our vibrant Facebook community. This time, join Senthil, living with type 1.5 diabetes (LADA) as he chats with top contributor Majella, living with type 2 diabetes. Their shared experiences, insights, and stories promise to resonate with many. See the recording here.

Meethi Baatein with Majella

In the news

The Hindu Business Line

A recent study by MSF reveals shocking markups on diabetes treatments like GLP-1s and insulin pens, making them unaffordable for many, especially in low & middle income countries. With prices significantly higher than production costs, it’s clear that change is needed. Nupur Lalvani & Nishtha Kanal from Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation share their lived experience on the struggle with the high costs in this article by The Hindu Business Line. As we advocate for fair pricing, it’s time to prioritise patient needs and ensure essential diabetes treatments are accessible to all. Read the article here.

If you'd like to know more about living with diabetes on a budget in India, read our blog & see this video.

Screenshot from the article

The Lancet

Exciting news from our community! Nupur Lalvani from Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation has co-authored an insightful piece in The Lancet which is a world-leading source of clinical, public health, and global health knowledge & one of the oldest and highest-impact academic journals. The article, titled 'Confronting the elephants in the room: reigniting momentum for universal health coverage,' highlights the crucial steps needed to align with the UHC Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Dive into the analysis and discover how we can collectively get UHC back on track. Read it here.

Screenshot from The Lancet

‌UN Women Coffee Table Book feature

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We celebrate Nupur Lalvani, Founder of Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation which is a patient led organisation for people with all types of diabetes, for being recognized as one of India's 75 inspiring women leaders! Her feature in the "हम | When Women Lead" coffee table book, a collaboration between UN Women India and the Ford Foundation, is a testament to her impactful leadership in health awareness and advocacy.

The book features the extraordinary journeys of 75 women leaders from diverse backgrounds across India, who have transcended barriers, defied limits, and made a lasting impact on their communities. Keeping with the spirit of women’s leadership, the book was put together by an all-women team of writers, photographers, visual artists, and editors. Coinciding with India's G20 Presidency in 2023, which emphatically focused on women-led development, this project is not just a collection of stories; it's an examination of women's leadership as a key trigger of social transformation and progress. Investing in women benefits not only women themselves but also society. Closing gender employment gaps could increase GDP per capita by 20 per cent across all regions. Additionally, investing in care services, such as daycare and elderly care, not only reduces unpaid care work predominantly done by women but also creates decent work opportunities, potentially generating almost 300 million jobs by 2035.

Project Gaia

It's been about 4 years since we launched Project Gaia, an initiative by Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation, that aims to create a space for & better the lives of women and girls in India living with all types of diabetes. Gaia (pronounced 'guy-a') is the Greek goddess of Earth🌻 Don't miss this video made by the women at Blue Circle!

#BlueCircleDiabetesCalendar 2024

Announcement for the Blue Circle Diabetes 2024 calendar

We are thrilled to unveil our 5th edition of the #BlueCircleDiabetesCalendar for 2024! Featuring 12 incredible individuals with various types of diabetes, this calendar is a daily reminder that a diagnosis didn't end the journey & with grit and determination we will triumph together!

Our #BlueCircleDiabetesCalendar is making headlines in the Indian Express newspaper! Featuring 12 inspiring people with various types of diabetes, it's a celebration of resilience and strength. Read our feature here.

Support us by purchasing calendars, magnets & stickers from the Blue Circle Store:‌

Snapshot of the newspaper article

‌‌Success Stories

Found the community helpful, have a success story to share? E-mail us on and we'll be happy to feature you!

Letter for Schools

Whether newly diagnosed or not, it's an anxious time for parents of kids with type 1 diabetes. Please feel free to click this post on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network India which will take you to a downloadable and editable letter for schools. Edit it with your child's specific details and share a signed copies with the child's school principal, teachers, etc.

You are welcome to email us on if you face any issues or you would like us to organise a diabetes awareness programme at your school or organisations.

See the post below for an important announcement regarding schools and universities. Click the post below, go to the comments section to read or download each circular issued by the NCPCR - National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Buddy Project Helpline

The Buddy Project Helpline started during Covid19 and continues to be a diabetes & mental health support system & helpline, free of cost and open to anyone with any type of diabetes & their caregivers.

Read more about the helpline & to use the helpline, download the Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app on Android or iOS. Also read about the Blue Circle Diabetes app and all its features here.‌

Trained volunteer buddies with lived experience of different types of diabetes

The Buddy Project Helpline is our mobile app based psychosocial helpline for diabetes and mental health. Trained volunteers living with diabetes (type 1, type 2 & caregivers), speaking 7 different languages are here to listen to you without judgements. If you feel lost, depressed, anxious, panicky, suicidal or generally upset, please schedule a call with us. These are tough times but remember you are NOT alone, your community stands with you.

How to call the Buddy Project helpline‌

Image: screenshot of how to navigate the Buddy Project helpline on the app

Open the Blue Circle Diabetes app > Buddy Project > Schedule tab > pick a buddy of your choice > Schedule a call (once you schedule you'll see it under the 'Meetings' tab > 10 minutes prior to the call, you'll receive an app notification/reminder > To join the call, open the app, go to Buddy Project & under the 'Meetings' tab, press the 'Join' button (video is off by default, can switch on as per preference)

Why should you attend our meet-ups?

Fair question! Check out this post to know why-‌

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Diabetes Humour

Life with any type of diabetes is not easy. Here's a little diabetes humour to brighten up your day. Click the posts below & like, share & comment!‌

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A post shared by Blue Circle Diabetes (@bluecirclediabetesfoundation)

Looking for a partner? Marriage & Diabetes

We understand that a lot of people with diabetes face tremendous difficulties in finding the right partner and getting married. We have received a lot of requests over the years to facilitate a platform to this end. Here's our small effort in that direction. If you'd like to find a partner, or are a parent who would like to introduce their child looking to get married, please introduce yourself on our private Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India.

Marriage and Diabetes

Blue Circle Store- Relaunched!

Check out the adorable diabetes merchandise from the Blue Circle Store and order them now!

Cool new merch- check it out!

#FlipTheCalendar February 2024

Sound on and time to #FlipTheCalendar! The #BlueCircleDiabetesCalendar is a fun calendar featuring people living with all types of diabetes. Ft Aishwarya who is an actor, animal lover & also lives with type 1 diabetes🥇

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Order calendars & adorable diabetes merchandise:‌

Blue Circle Blogs

Read our blog here. We write about everything from recipes to people's stories, technology and everything diabetes!‌‌

Read our blogs


India's first app, made by diabetics & for diabetics. If you have found the app helpful & would like to help, consider making a small donation of Rs 99 per month:

Download the Blue Circle Diabetes app on Android and iOS. Click here to read about the app & its features.‌

Help us build the app better for you!

Thank you to our wonderful community for helping us making the app better for you! We look forward to your generosity to help us rewrite the app ground up! Use the 'New Feature Idea' button on the app to tell us what features may make the app better.


Be a #SugarDetective! Come be part of our new campaign! Help spread awareness by sharing hidden sugars in packaged foods. Like Sherlock Holmes said, "you see, but you do not observe". Let's observe what's in our food and share!‌

#SugarDetective campaign

Put up posts on your social media platforms and use the hashtag #SugarDetective & #BlueCircleDiabetesFoundation (also tag us!) You can also share the post on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India. Once a week, we'll feature a randomly selected Sugar Detective across our platforms. Hurry!‌

Sugar detectives from our community!

Connect with us and participate!
Join our award winning Facebook community, like and follow our page, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn too! Use the Blue Circle Diabetes app to track your vitals and don't forget to check out our website and Buddy Project helpline too!


We need your help and support to continue to grow, expand and touch the lives of countless people in the diabetes community. Every little bit helps us in sustaining this endeavour. Our NGO is registered under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, India.

Click here to donate