Fab in Feb!
Join a fun, audio only conversation about type 2 diabetes on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India with a panel of speakers living with type 2 diabetes on Sunday, 13th March at 5PM. Click here and press 'Going'.

We are SO excited to see you and your friends and family at this Blue Circle Camp in Pune where you will meet old and new friends living with diabetes! This registration form needs to be filled for each person attending the camp.
We will share all important information and updates on our social media handles, so ensure you join our Facebook community , follow us on Instagram , Twitter , YouTube and Facebook. We will not be able to send out any individual communication, so please follow our social media platforms for updates!
We look forward to seeing your social media posts with the hashtag #BlueCircleCamp :)

While we kickstart our #BlueCircleIndiaTour with Pune, Mumbai is not far behind. Fill this registration form to attend the Blue Circle Camp Mumbai! Tell us where else you would like us to visit!

Here's a quick low down on all that happened in February 2022 at Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation.
Blue Circle Workshops & Events
Blue Circle Workshops are online weekend workshops that are free and open for all, even non diabetics! Join in, have fun and learn new things. Sign up as a member and follow our social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube to know of upcoming workshops. Be a part of our awesome Facebook community too!

#BlueCircleWorkshops in February 2022!
T1 & T2 - Facebook Live Audio
Click here to listen to our Facebook Live Audio Room on type 1 & type 2 diabetes conversations on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network India where we had a panel of speakers living with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
BP & Diabetes Workshop
Dr Rajiv Bhagwat, senior interventional cardiologist, Nanavati Hospital Mumbai, was in conversation with Mouparna and Indrayani about hypertension and diabetes. Click the post below to read the highlights-
Project Gaia Workshop
At Project Gaia, our initiative is to create a safe space for women living with diabetes. Sanskruti and Ashlesha conducted this casual, fun Girl Talk workshop. Click the post below to see snapshots-
Let's chat under 18s Workshop
Glimpses from our fun workshop for under 18s led by Khushi and Shaashwat. Click the post below-
Meethi Baatein
Eleventh Facebook Live of our series called Meethi Baatein to celebrate top contributors of our community on Facebook. Mouparna was in conversation with Swatilekha, see the video here.

WHO Consultation
Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation was part of the 2 day World Health Organization (WHO) Informal Consultation on People Living with NCDs and Mental Health Conditions in the South-East Asia Region.
Letter for Schools
We know that physical schools have started again. Whether newly diagnosed or not, it's an anxious time for parents of kids with type 1 diabetes. Please feel free to click this post on our Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network India which will take you to a downloadable and editable letter for schools. Edit it with your child's specific details and share a signed copies with the child's school principal, teachers, etc.
You are welcome to email us on support@bluecircle.foundation if you face any issues or you would like us to organise a diabetes awareness programme at your school or organisations.
Two awesome contests for our amazing community! The #BlueCircleTalent contest saw some mind blowing talent from kids living with diabetes. See this post for all the certificates we gave out to these little champs.

These were the winners-

We heard some of you adults were feeling left behind and so we had the Invite-athon contest for the 'older' kids :)

These were our winners-

Buddy Project Helpline
The Buddy Project Helpline is our mobile app based psychosocial helpline for diabetes and mental health. Trained volunteers living with diabetes (type 1, type 2 & caregivers), speaking 7 different languages are here to listen to you without judgements. If you feel lost, depressed, anxious, panicky, suicidal or generally upset, please schedule a call with us. These are tough times but remember you are NOT alone, your community stands with you.
How to call the Buddy Project helpline

Open the Blue Circle Diabetes app > Buddy Project > Schedule tab > pick a buddy of your choice > Schedule a call (once you schedule you'll see it under the 'Meetings' tab > 10 minutes prior to the call, you'll receive an app notification/reminder > To join the call, open the app, go to Buddy Project & under the 'Meetings' tab, press the 'Join' button (video is off by default, can switch on as per preference)
Project Isha
Through Project Isha, we aim to reach out to economically and socially disadvantaged people living with diabetes in India. Join our movement to ensure access to quality diabetes management for all! You can donate and/or volunteer Know anyone who needs help? Connect them to us!
🤍Read more: https://www.bluecircle.foundation/projects/project-isha
Click the post below to read-
Looking for a partner? Marriage & Diabetes
We understand that a lot of people with diabetes face tremendous difficulties in finding the right partner and getting married. We have received a lot of requests over the years to facilitate a platform to this end. Here's our small effort in that direction. If you'd like to find a partner, or are a parent who would like to introduce their child looking to get married, please introduce yourself on our private Facebook community, Diabetes Support Network - India.

Diabetes Humour
Life with any type of diabetes is not easy. Here's a little diabetes humour to brighten up your day. Click the posts below to see-
Blue Circle Store
Check out the adorable, diabetes inspired stickers and magnets from the Blue Circle Store and order them now!

Fun diabetes merchandise!
Blue Circle Diabetes Calendar
A fun calendar featuring real, everyday heroes living with diabetes. Order yours now: https://www.bluecircle.foundation/store
Read our blog here. We write about everything from recipes to people's stories, technology and everything diabetes!

To participate in our social media campaigns, share your video or photo (with some supporting text) on the topic with us. Upload through the Blue Circle Diabetes mobile app and we'll feature you! Rohan launches our campaign, #DiabetesGoals2022. Tell us how you're smashing those diabetes goals!
Click the posts below to read-
Connect with us and participate!
Join our award winning Facebook community, like and follow our page, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter too! If you would like to share and contribute content upload it to the Blue Circle Diabetes app and don't forget to check out our website and Buddy Project helpline too!
We need your help and support to continue to grow, expand and touch the lives of countless people in the diabetes community. Every little bit helps us in sustaining this endeavour. Our NGO is registered under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, India.
Click here to donate