Namaste November!

We're counting down days to the weekend because it's time for our monthly Pune fun run already! Register here for the December run at JM Road on Sunday 8th December 2019. Bring your friends and family too but don't forget to register their names on the link too. See you all real soon!

Join in for our December run in Pune! Register now!

Around the world, November is celebrated and acknowledged as Diabetes Awareness month and boy did we have a jam packed month or what. Here's a quick run down on what happened in November at Blue Circle Diabetes Foundation.

November run at ARAI Hills, Pune

Beautiful location, check. Friends, check. Lots of fun, check. We were happy to send off the rain gods and had a super fun run last month. See the full album of the November run here.

Delhi chapter photowalk

On a nippy Saturday morning, our Delhi friends got together in a pretty park and we had a fun time together followed by a healthy breakfast - what could be a better start to the day? We couldn't have asked for more.

School Awareness Programmes in Delhi

On November 14th, World Diabetes Day we organised a school diabetes awareness programme for teachers and nurses at Sri Ram school, Gurgaon. Under the guidance and support of the Principal, the school staff team were really enthused and eager to learn more about diabetes and how to handle the possible special needs of a child with diabetes in the classroom.

We also visited the Government School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi which is an all-girls school and conducted a School Diabetes Awareness Programme there. Rohan organised a few activities for the girls, Chhavi gave them tips and pointers and our school going T1 volunteers, Kashni and Tanmay shared their experiences. Their parents were great support to us too.


We attended the ADECON conference in Delhi and connected with old and new friends.


Explore the huge resource of our blog here! We write about everything from recipes to exercise to travelling with diabetes and everything in between.

November blogs

Pune coffee meetup

There's nothing more fun than a lazy Sunday afternoon with coffee and brunch. There were new friendships and a lot of chatter about diabetes and other things at the Grandmama's Cafe in Koregaon Park, Pune. Abhishek is planning another exciting Pune event, stay tuned!

November campaign : #DiabetesAwareness

November is a special month for diabetics the world over and we invited you all to do your bit to create some diabetes awareness and you did a great job!

Anjana shares her views on how the internet has been a great tool that helps create awareness and find a community.

Harpreet from Delhi feels that diabetes awareness for the general society should begin with distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Madhur cycled all the way from home to the run venue and back. He shares his views

Rohan talks about the different types of diabetes.

Ramaa is super enthusiastic to educate people around her about diabetes and doesn't hesitate for a minute. We love that!

Blue Circle Charity Calendar 2020

We bring to you the first of its kind diabetes themed charity calendar. What's special is that all 12 of our 'models' are people with diabetes and achievers in their own right. Be it 8 year old T1 Ovi who outruns us all at our monthly 5km runs or Charudatta who has lived with type 1 diabetes for over 30 years and doesn't fail to make our day with his big beaming smile or Priyanka (pictured below) who is a well known fashion designer, a wife, a mother to two and type 1 diabetic for 20 years.

Support the cause of empowering people with diabetes and order your copy here!

Priyanka is part of the Blue Circle Diabetes Calendar 2020. Have you bought your copy yet?

Reach out!

Join our Facebook support group, like and follow our page, subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram and Twitter too! Don't forget to check out our website too!


We need your help and support to continue to grow, expand and touch the lives of countless people in the diabetic community. Every little bit helps us in sustaining this endeavour.

Click here to donate